AWCM Volunteer Tutor/Mentor FAQ
What time do I need to ARRIVE and what do I do when I get there?
Volunteers working with elementary students are asked to arrive 5 minutes before the start of their shift, sign in, fill out a name tag, and go to sit at a color table. We recommend trying to sit at the same one or two color tables each time so you are able to bond and interact with the same kids. Of course, please go where you see a need once the kids come over.
Volunteers working with the middle and high school students are asked to arrive by 4:45 pm, make a name tag and sign in. The site coordinator assigns volunteers depending on the homework and other activities.
What do I do if my students don't have homework?
At the elementary site:
Check the backpack! Lots of times there may be something they forgot about, or could be avoiding.
Please ask if they have a project coming up! Projects take a long time, and it’s good to get an early start on them. Sometimes, teachers will not assign homework because the kids are supposed to work on a project. The students may not view their projects as “homework,” so it’s important to ask what other assignments are due soon.
Please ask them to go get their AWCM folder. There should always be work in their folders from AWCM.
A lot of the time the kids like doing this work because it is easier than what they are working on in school.
Other times we put something in to challenge them and they may not want to do it. This is a great opportunity to build confidence either way!
If the kids you are working with go through their work quickly - praise, praise, praise. If the kids you are working with struggle with their work and need a lot of help but do complete it - be sure to praise, praise, praise.
If they’ve finished all their folder work, please ask them to turn the folder into the folder return and then to get a book. If we have received their reading level from the teacher they will have a sticker on their AWCM folder that says what color they are able to read on their own.
At the middle and high school site:
The site coordinator will assign students to specific areas. Students with homework will sit at the homework tables and volunteers will work with them.
Students without homework will be assigned to math and reading activities in specific areas. Volunteers are also needed to work in these areas.
Please ask if they have a project coming up! Projects take a long time, and it’s good to get an early start on them. Sometimes, teachers will not assign homework because the kids are supposed to work on a project. The students may not view their projects as “homework,” so it’s important to ask what other assignments are due soon.
What do I do if my STUDENT seems to need a break?
If an elementary student you are helping seems to need a break, please let them choose any book from our library and read to them. You can do this for the rest of their tutoring time!
Middle and high school students may ask to go to the restroom or to get water. They should get permission from the site coordinator.